Sanford and Son: Top 5 Fred Sanford Episodes.
Sanford and Son is truly one of the funniest and best sitcoms ever made as well as just one of the most influential and iconic tv series ever made period, so naturally It boasted a cast of characters so perfect and so memorable. After putting some thought into it I decided to do a series of top 5 episodes of each and every major cast member starting off with Fred G. Sanford, naturally.
5. The Card Sharps. Season 2, episode 6.
Synopsis: Fred gets a surprise one night when Lamont announces that he’s having some friends over to play poker. However, Fred doesn’t take Lamont’s advice at ‘getting lost’ since he’s convinced Lamont’s so-called friends are trying to hustle him out of his money.
It’s not often that Fred was the voice of reason, but in this episode his street smarts and savvy saved Lamont from losing his shirt. Redd Foxx got to do a lot of great gags in this episode.
4. We Were Robbed. Season 1, episode 6.
Synopsis: While cleaning the house, Fred knocks over Lamont’s glass figurine collection. Trying to cover up the fact that he broke them, Fred makes up a story about how the house was robbed and how he fought them off. In the process, he is labelled as a hero and Fred takes advantage of it.
Even in this early season 1 episode Redd Foxx had already mastered his characterization of Fred Sanford and his mannerisms, comical personality and his scheming, lying and laziness to a tee. The scene above with Fred and Officer Swanny is one of the funniest scenes in the show’s history. Foxx nailed the final line as well.
3. Julio and Sister and Nephew. Season 4, episode 10.
Synopsis: Fred’s anti-Puerto Rican attitude suddenly changes after Julio’s nephew is the victim of discrimination in school.
Fred wasn’t shy about sharing his views on Puerto Ricans but in this episode we get to see a softer side to Fred that we hadn’t seen prior. It was great getting to see the best of both Fred’s prickly & acerbic side and his warm & caring side. The scenes between Fred and Roberto managed to be funny and sweet in a non cheesy way.
2. The Surprise Party. Season 4, episode 1.
Synopsis: When Fred returns early from a long trip, he spoils a homecoming party Lamont and Grady had planned.
If there was ever real proof that the Sanford and Son cast was one of tv’s greatest ensembles ever put together this episode was it. The cast played off each other so masterfully and organically in the surprise party scene that it made you wish that we got to see all of them together much more often. But this episode was owned completely by Redd Foxx with his big comeback after having been absent for over half a season due to his big pay increase battle with the producers, and boy was it worth the wait as Fred came back with a vengeance. The surprise party scene where Fred shows up and just roasts everybody to a crisp is one of the greatest (and definitely one of the funniest) character re-introductions in the history of television.
- Fred Sanford, Legal Eagle. Season 3, episode 15.
Synopsis: Lamont is disgusted when he receives a traffic ticket for failure to yield on a right turn. Lamont is sure he did the most prudent thing for the situation and lets Fred talk him into fighting the ticket in court. Lamont is prepared to fight for himself but once in the court room he finds himself being represented — by Fred!
With so many iconic Fred Sanford episodes of Sanford and Son this particular episode easily takes the number one spot because Redd Foxx was truly at his best in this episode with one iconic and hilarious line after another, especially in the courtroom as he challenges the officer who gave Lamont a perceived unfair speeding ticket. Fred Sanford had truly great moments after this but perhaps never ever had anything better then this. Fun fact: Redd Foxx completely adlibbed the use of the N word in the courtroom scene giving the producers heart attacks of course.
Honorable Mentions: Sanford and Son and Sister Makes Three. The Committee Man, Jealousy, Fred & Carol & Fred & Donna, and Donna Pops The Question.
Stay tuned for the Top 5 Lamont Sanford Episodes coming soon. Til’ next time, folks!