Ring the New Year With My Five Choices of Films You Should See Before 2022.

Kendall Rivers
3 min readDec 28, 2021

I love movies. Through this whole pandemic it has been them as well as some of my favorite tv shows that have gotten me through this Pandemic, as I’m sure the same could be said for many if not all of you. As we go into 2022 I want to share five films that I feel you should see before the new year rings in.

5. Jaws.

A true classic film that created the summer blockbuster. Jaws isn’t simply just a horror movie or a Shark movie. It’s really about three totally different men coming together and working together to put an end to this killer beast. It’s the film that launched Steven Speilberg’s directing career and gave us a lot of memorable and iconic phrases and scenes. A must see.

4. Galaxy Quest.

A love letter to Star Trek as well as the Sci-Fi genre as a whole, this film is an underrated masterpiece. The casting of Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shaloub, Darryl Chill Mitchell, Enrico Collantoni and Sam Rockwell seems insane on paper but this weird combo of actors flourished together onscreen. The film is just an enjoyable ride from beginning to end and you need to see it asap!

3. Metro.

Eddie Murphy was at his very best in this film that gave us the incredible character that is Scott Roper. The film blends a hodpodge of elements like romance, comedy, buddy movie, drama, suspense, mystery and several top tier action sequences and somehow it all clicked. That’s very rare for any film, and this alone is enough reason to check it out and hopefully fall in love.

2. The Negotiator.

One of the truly great mystery\thrillers ever made. An all star cast lead by Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey, both of whom in my opinion have never been better in any other film in their careers. The ensemble cast is also perfectly chosen no matter how small. A very well rounded film that is exciting and engaging from beginning to end. If you even halfway consider yourself a film buff or just like films at all you better put this on your list of must sees.

  1. Casablanca.

One of the all time most beloved and greatest films in cinema history that after almost 80 years still enchants audiences. Legendary performances and an iconic original song, Casablanca is definitely a must see film to add to your list before the new year starts.

Here’s looking at you, kid. See ya in 2022.



Kendall Rivers

Kendall is a screenwriter who’s a huge fan of classic tv and movies. He enjoys creating good stories and characters. https://www.facebook.com/kendall.rivers.3