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Ranking My Favorite Frasier Seasons and Why I Enjoy Each of Them.
Recently having celebrated its 30th anniversary, Frasier is one of the most successful and beloved sitcoms of all time. It’s also one of tv’s most honored tv shows ever winning 37 Emmys with 108 nominations. Long story short: It’s pretty good. 11 years of smart humor, relatable and lovable characters, a perfect ensemble cast, a lovable Russell Terrier named Eddie, and all of the iconic and classic episodes from the show that I and many others love to pieces makes this a sitcom for the ages. The fact that this spin off managed to not simply match its parent show in Cheers, but to surpass it in popularity and quality is no mean feat.
Like with everything else, we all have our favorites and I certainly have my favorite seasons of Frasier that I rank along the lines of how many A+ episodes the season has in my humble opinion. With much due respect to seasons 8, 9 and 10, all of which had a few strong episodes to boast about, the remaining seasons are the ones closest to my heart and ranking them is no easy task.
8. Season 11.
Favorite Episodes: Murder, Most Maris parts 1 and 2, No Sex Please, We’re Skittish, A Man, a Plan and a Gal: Julia, Caught In The Act, The Doctor is Out, Seabee Jeebies, High Holidays, Boo!, Goodnight Seattle Parts 1 and 2.