“Querido and Querida”: 5 Reasons Why The Original Gomez And Morticia Addams Are The Greatest Couple In All Of Fiction.

Kendall Rivers
6 min readOct 31, 2021
Gomez makes a meal out of Tish’s arm.

They’ve been in many comics, tv shows, movies and even on Broadway and played by many different actors and actresses, but I don’t think anyone has ever been better as Gomez and Morticia Addams than John Astin and Carolyn Jones. The chemistry these two shared was out of this world and the brilliance of their chemistry with one another and their portrayals of the two characters made Gomez and Morticia household names. Let’s dig into what makes these two the greatest couple in all of fiction, shall we?

5. No fictional couple has ever enjoyed each other’s company more.

Whether it was a friendly fencing match or dancing in the the middle of the living room to Lurch’s piano playing, Gomez and Morticia knew that one key element of a successful and happy marriage is the ability for the couple to share interests and have fun together. While we did get some great moments between Gomez and Morticia in the 1990’s movies, there wasn’t enough time in either movie to really highlight this aspect of Gomez and Morticia’s relationship. Of course we got a great tango scene but would it have killed them to give us a fencing match or a goofy dance scene with the Addamses in their home with Lurch playing the piano? Sheesh.

But don’t think that just because they enjoy several activities together that their relationship is completely co-dependent. They each have their own individual interests and hobbies apart that they enjoy like Morticia with gardening and the black arts and Gomez with his cigars, blowing up trains and sword swallowing. Talk about a well rounded relationship.

4. When they met it was clearly meant to be.

In the classic two parter “Morticia’s Romance.” We get a flashback to how Gomez and Morticia first met, fell in love and got married. It was truly a match made in hell and the performances of John and Carolyn in both episodes were so perfectly whimsical and believable.

3. Their physical attraction for each other is out of this world!

Perhaps no couple in all of fiction were hotter for each other than Gomez and Morticia. Unlike all the other couples on television at the time, Gomez and Morticia were as passionate for each other as a couple of horny teenagers. John Astin once said, Gomez and Morticia were a couple of their time that you actually believed could have children. Morticia especially knew how to get Gomez’s engine running when she spoke French.

The strangest thing about the Addams family is that Gomez and Morticia only had TWO children.

2. Real life psychiatrists dubbed them the healthiest couple on television.

John Astin has mentioned that back when The Addams Family was airing in the 1960’s real life psychiatrists said that Gomez and Morticia are the healthiest couple on television. High praise indeed, no doubt due to how open and honest they are with their feelings towards one another as well as how truly equal the marriage is with Gomez never seeing himself above his wife or “henpecked” while also being secure enough to lose to her in a fencing match once in a while graciously and with good humor while Morticia in turn treats her husband with the upmost respect and support. They’re also just the best parents to their two children and shower them with as much love, respect and praise as they do each other. There have been more recent write ups about Gomez and Morticia being the best example of a healthy relationship:

1 .The very real chemistry between Jon Astin and Carolyn Jones.

John Astin and Carolyn Jones.

If two characters are to have great chemistry it has to come from the real life actors and John Astin and Carolyn Jones had it in spades. In fact, besides being great friends off screen John Astin has revealed that the two actually shared real feelings of strong physical attraction and genuine love in real life, only that because both were married at the time neither said a word to the other about it. It wasn’t until John visited Carolyn for the last time right before she died from Colon Cancer in 1983 that the two finally admitted their deep love for each other.

One wonders what it would have been like had John and Carolyn actually got together in real life. Ironically their friendship lasted longer than both of their marriages. Perhaps like starcrossed lovers the love these two shared was never meant to be consummated, only running deep from afar.

There have been many iconic couples in television, film, movies, plays and books, but very few have endured as long and explored as deeply and adeptly as John Astin and Carolyn Jones’ dynamic as Gomez and Morticia Addams. Now, Raul Julia and Angelica Houston were great in the 1990’s movies and the other iterations on Broadway and even the recent animated movies did quite well in the roles as well, but, I truly believe that no one has ever been able to top or even match what Astin and Jones did in the parts and certainly no one could ever top or match the chemistry these two had. It was special, unique, and completely genuine.

Happy Halloween, folks! May you find your Gomez or Morticia if you don’t already have one. Life is much better when you have that special someone to spend eternity cutting the heads off of flowers or digging up graves for sport with.



Kendall Rivers

Kendall is a screenwriter who’s a huge fan of classic tv and movies. He enjoys creating good stories and characters. https://www.facebook.com/kendall.rivers.3