Five Reasons Why The Reboot\Revival Trend Is Killing Hollywood And Corrupting Classic Television and Movies.

Kendall Rivers
5 min readMay 22, 2023


Let’s be completley honest here: I’m writing this because I’ve had enough. This ridiculous “reboot” “re-imagining” “revival” trend has pissed me off for so long and I’m finally ready to get it all out and finally get some catharsis. Now… before anybody gets upset, If you like these reboots of classic television shows and movies that’s perfectly fine, like what you like, I have no issue with that. That said, this is just MY take on this current trend in Hollywood that I have a lot to say about. Now that we got that out of the way, I’m gonna do this by listing five reasons why I despise these reboots and why they’re detrimental to the film and television industry. Let’s dig in.

5. It’s Just Lazy.

Let’s be honest here. Rebooting a classic tv show or movie is no different then back in school when either you or someone you know would wait for the opportunity to sneak the smartest kid in class’ homework and copy everything down then pass it off as if it was all your own work. I know why the studios do it: It’s much easier to just redo an already proven hit property than to take a risk on an unproven project, but at the end of the day I believe in the risk is better than the easy option and the reward can be ten times bigger.

Hawaii Five O Reboot Cast.

4. They Rarely Pay Proper Tribute To The Original.

Nine out of ten these things corrupt exactly what made the original a classic. For example, the 2019 live action Lion King. Did you see how horrible those animals looked when talking? Just not right is it? And don’t get me started on Will Smith’s Genie from Aladdin… yikes! Some things just don’t work in live action and ONLY work in animation. (Looking at you Little Mermaid Live Action! My heart weeps for Sebastian and Flounder.) If you’re gonna bring an iconic film or television show back from the dead PLEASEEEEE respect what made it so beloved in the first place and pay proper tribute to it instead of trying to change it for the percieved “modern audience”. Here’s the thing, guys: Whatever “modern audience” you’re trying to impress most likely won’t be impressed no matter what you do. Just a thought.

2016’s Ghostbuster one of the most controversial films in the history of cinema

3. Who asked for this?

The most egregious thing about these reboots is that no one even asked for them. Oh sure there are those that beg for their favorite show to come back or to see another sequel to a beloved franchise, but those few voices don’t represent the majority. And to be honest those folks are mostly craving nostalgia and not exactly the most reliable sources to listen to because they’ll also be the very first ones to start complaining when the new version comes out and sucks. From what I’ve mostly seen over the years in comment sections across Youtube or twitter\facebook posts etc. is that very question: Who asked for this?

The Latifahizer.

2. It’s One Big Manipulative Trick To Get Viewers To Watch.

This is definitely a big one. What a lot of people don’t seem to get is that the studios and networks that make these things think that they’re stupid and have no qualms about manipulating them to make a buck. Most of the time these “reboots” have nothing to do with the original show they’re based on except for the title. Like CW’s Walker, for example: If you’re thinking you’re watching a prequel of sorts to the iconic Walker, Texas Ranger starring Chuck Norris you’d be incorrect. The shows have zero in common besides the title characters being named Cordell Walker. Complete false advertising which had the Walker, Texas Ranger fanbase up in arms. All this to say, if you’re gonna put money into a show why not just have the guts to give it it’s own identity instead of just taking a familiar title? Especially if it’s not even gonna remotely resemble the show you’re stealing from? Lord, have mercy.

Not Walker, Texas Ranger.
  1. Magic rarely repeats and there are some roles you just can’t replace.

Here’s the kicker. This is the number 1 sin for me when it comes to this tiresome trend. There are just some movies and tv shows and stars of these movies and tv shows that just can’t be replaced in their iconic role. Raymond Burr will always be Perry Mason; Tom Selleck will always be Magnum; Andy Griffith will always be Matlock etc. some people just are their role and there’s no one that could ever fill it the way they did. Then the fact that films like House Party, White Men Can’t Jump, Space Jam, Fatal Attraction etc. were films that were very much of their time and were and are so popular because they come from that particular place and time. There’s just no replicating that essence no matter how hard Hollywood tries. Magic rarely repeats… that’s why it’s magic.

Original Perry Mason vs. Not Perry Mason.

Just to be a little fair I’ll admit that there are a few exceptions to this rule. Television adaptations of famous movies seem to work better: the tv versions of The Odd Couple in the 1970s, MASH, and In The Heat of The Night are a few prime examples of that. I will also admit that sometimes the reboots can actually put the original back into the spotlight and might even attract new viewers who had never even heard of it. But nevertheless, I’m still not a fan of this practice and I just wish that Hollywood would get a clue and go back to telling fresh stories from fresh perspectives and giving us new classics to enjoy for decades to come.

Thanks for indulging my little rant, folks. Just had to get this off my chest. I know many of you feel the same way that I do, and for those that disagree I respect your opinion, but as a writer and a fan of classic cinema and television I just feel the way I feel. Till next time, folks.



Kendall Rivers

Kendall is a screenwriter who’s a huge fan of classic tv and movies. He enjoys creating good stories and characters.